My Town Monday: Grand River comes back

The US Highways System had uspurped Grand River, putting up US-16 signs along the route from Detroit across the state through Lansing and onwards to...

My Town Monday: Grand River Trail

Like many original roads in Michigan, Grand River started as an Indian Trail. This road wound it’s way from Detroit through Livingston County, through Lansing,...

My Town Monday: Walking in Brighton

Now that the weather is getting nice, one might be inclined to stroll through downtown Brighton. There’s some nice shops and restaurants in this downtown...

My Town Monday: The Pink Hotel

Next to the railroad tracks in Brighton, stands a slightly out-of-proportion brick building. It’s three stories, but not as tall as a three story building...

My Town Monday: Groundhog Day

Everyone knows Punxsutawney Phil, the famous prognosticator from Pennsylvania. But Livingston County is home to a more accurate groundhog: Woody the Woodchuck. Maybe it’s because...

My Town Monday: Second Amendment

Second Amendment is the biggest, baddest punkin chunkin gun… and it’s part of Livingston County. The gun was constructed by S & G Erectors in...

My Town Monday: Mountain View

And yet I’m still talking about Livingston County. Situated just west of Brighton is Mount Brighton. This is a man made “mountain” that reaches 250...

My Town Monday: Lee Road Roundabouts

Some brainiac decided that Brighton needed mall. They bought up some land nestlted between US-23 and Island Lake State Park. Only, this intersection (and set...
