Creating Banner Ads

The High School Summer Challenge

It starts with reviewing the guidelines. We followed the actual Yahoo ad specifications and showed examples of current ads students could animate right now. Students found it exciting to design *real* banner ads.

Together students picked a product to advertise, the company name, and its customer benefits. We practiced the process a creative team at an agency might follow.

The tasks were then divided. Some students who enjoyed drawing created the logos and characters. Other wrote the script. All of the students had an opportunity to make a recording of the ad.

The banner ads were customized, published online and shown on the big screen to friends, parents, and teachers at the High School Career Challenge award dinner.

Skills Taught

Certification Skills Taught -Elizabeth Nofs

  • College Readiness: Learning Management System (LMS) for our online class
  • Work skills: GDrive, eMail, Calendar and Reminders (Tasks)

Animation Skills Taught – Alex Sergay

  • 12 principals of animation
  • Classic animation tweens, shape and motion animation tweens, key frame animation, lip sync, sound and text.