Before You Begin: A new, blank document is open.
Insert Equations: Creating math symbols as you type is very useful. You can also insert and edit equations in Microsoft Word 2013.
1. Try This: Find the Equations
Go to Insert-> Symbols->Equation. Click on the drop-down arrow on the right.

What Do You See? There should be a list of equations including the Area of a Circle, Binomial Theorem and, yes indeed, it is the Pythagorean Theorem for triangles.
2. Try This, Too: Insert A New Equation
Go to Insert-> Symbols->Equation.
Click on Insert New Equation.
Click OK.

3. What Do You See? There should be a new Equation Block that you can edit.

What Else Do You See?The Equation Tools include: Tools Symbols Structures

4. Try This: Review the Equation Ribbon
Go to Equation Tools-> Design->Structures.

What Do You See? Many of the math and business symbols can be found in the Symbols. The Structures enable you to document Fractions, Script, Radicals, Integrals, Bracket, Function, Accent, Limit and Log, Operator, and Matrix. Way cool new Ribbon.
Math AutoCorrect Options
Earlier, we reviewed the Math Equations. Many professions use mathematical symbols in reports and documentation. Prior to Microsoft Office 2007, you had to Insert a Symbol and select a letter from a set of Fonts named Dingbats or Symbols.
How Did We Get Here?
The Word Options are open. Proofing is selected. Go to the top of the Proofing page. Click AutoCorrect Options… Try it: Find the Math AutoCorrect Options When the AutoCorrect window opens, select the Math AutoCorrect Tab.

Math AutoCorrect has an extensive list of text for math, chemistry and engineering. This list is adaptable, too. You can add or edit your own entries, same as with AutoCorrect.
Look for the check box to Use Math AutoCorrect outside of the math regions. This is an important option if you wish to type formulas and equations.

Extra Points if you can identify this math calculation tool, above
That’ll work. Good question. Thanks for asking.
Elizabeth Nofs, the Computer Mama
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