My Town Monday: A My Town Meme

Couple weeks back, Travis Erwin, the man behind My Town Monday, posted a Meme. I was doing my series on railroads, so I put it off. Until now. But here it is– my My Town Meme

HOMETOWN (past, present, or future – your choice) — Livingston County. Okay, it’s a county, not a town. But having lived in Howell, Brighton, and Hamburg; student taught in Hartland; attended school in Pinckney, I can’t really pick one of these towns and call it my town. So I call the county my home.

POPULATION — 2000 census put the poplation about 156,000. The 2007 estimate was 183,000, but I’m not sure if the numbers have maintained the formerly-expected growth. Like the rest of Michigan, Livingston County was nailed in the back of the economic skull and knocked to it’s knees. Houses are empty all over the places, and I have to think the population has been affected. Unfortunately, there are still too many people in Livingston County…

YOU SHOULD THINK OF MY TOWN WHEN … you think of Bo Fexler, Patti Abbott, or Michigan beyond Detroit. Other than that, Livingston County is just another partly-rural area in a midwest state. But the coolest shaped state.

YOU SHOULD CUSS MY TOWN WHEN … another suburban school is rocked by some stupid scandal that comes about from a combination of oblivious parents, too much money, and not enough responsibility. We’re not the cause for such anation-wide stupidity, but we’re just one more place in the U.S. where parents are too concerned with their SUV and McMansion payments who thought living in the “country” (Ha!) would solve the problems with their never-disciplined kids. Yea. At least it’s job security for me as an alternative high school teacher. 😉

ONE MUST SEE IF YOU VISIT — Downtown Brighton– visit the Imagination Station, the Tridge, and the Yum-Yum Tree.

ONE PLACE YOU SHOULD AVOID — The Double Roundabout from Hell on Lee Road at US-23. There’s nothing wrong with roundabouts in general, but this one is three double roundabouts damn near on top of each other. And too that the elistist jerks in Brighton who think that whatever direction they are going has the right of way… it gets interesting sometimes. Besides, the only thing on the other side is another stupid ass mall that replaced a lovely open field. =(

FAMOUS RESIDENT — Edwin B. Winans, one time governor of Michigan, once upon a time ago.

RENOWNED ATHLETE — Drew Henson. Brighton High School graduate who played University of Michigan football. Then went off to play with the Yankees. He’s currently on the practice team with the Detroit Lions. (Snicker… practice squad for one of the worst teams. Wow.)

WITHOUT MY TOWN, THE WORLD WOULD NOT HAVE … Hell. Hell Michigan is one of the locales in Michigan. So, if you didn’t know, you can tell someone to “Go to Hell” without being profane. Or you can do like some of the sneaky kids around here will and say, “Go to Hell… Michigan.”

I LIVE IN MY TOWN BECAUSE … I always have. My folks moved here when I was about four (or so I’m told). I grew up in an old farmhouse between Hamburg and Pinckney. I got my first “real” job at a local chain retailer in Brighton. I worked there to pay for my expensive schooling at a local Teaching University. Then I met this guy… at the retailer where I worked. We worked together, then got an apartment together. So we stayed. Then I got a teaching job at a lcoal alternative high school, and we still stayed. Though we got exiled to our current home out past the edge of civilization. And here we are. My family is still around. His family is not far away. We’ll be local yokels for life, I’m sure.

I MIGHT LEAVE ONE DAY BECAUSE … well, I was going to say ‘if I got enough money for a place on the island of Kuaii’ but I think I’ll always be a local yokel. I like being a ‘troll’ and living under the (Mackinac) Bridge. I like living in the mitten-shaped, and there for COOLEST shaped state ever. If I got enough money to have a place on Kuaii, it would only be a vacation home. But, man, that would be nice. =)

Any questions?

Don’t forget to see Travis Erwin for other My Town Monday posts.
