My Town Monday: Michigan State Sanitorium

Michigan State Sanitorium was a tuberculosis hospital built near Howell, Michigan. It was one of the first buildings constructed for the (ever hopeful) purpose of treating tuberculosis. And it was built in my little old county.

I’m cheating (just a little) for today’s My Town Monday. I am posting a link to a PowerPoint slide show on the Michigan State Sanitorium that I used in my Michigan History class this semester.

(If you do not have PowerPoint on your computer, you may download a PowerPoint view here.)

Click the link below and the PowerPoint file will be downloaded. (Since blogger doesn’t include media storage, I have the file on the site I use for school.)

Michigan State Sanitorium

Note: While information was rather abundant on the beginning of the MSS, after a while, there’s almost no information. It was a bear just trying to get dates and information on the name changes! I need to move into the room where they keep the mircofilm.

Visit Travis Erwin for other My Town Monday links.
