

These days, just about every program has an Undo Command. This is the helpfulest of all computer commands, by far.

In Microsoft Office 2003 (and earlier) Undo is under the Edit Menu. Right above the Redo Button.

It’s also the backwards-looping arrow on the toolbar. If you keep hitting Undo, the computer will continue to undo each successive thing.

In Microsoft Office 2007, the Undo command is on the Home Ribbon. Still works the same way.

But, did you know that Windows Explorer (you may know it as My Computer or the My Documents Folder) ALSO has an Undo command! Yep. For WindowsXP and previous versions, if you go to the Edit menu at the top of the window, you will see and Undo command. It will refer to the last thing you did.

For my screenshot, my computer shows that “Undo Delete” is my option. It will put the last file I deleted back where it came from. You can also Undo a Move (so if you’re not sure where you actually moved a file to, Undo it and it’ll pop back to where it came from.)


Word of caution though. There does become a point when changes are permanent (unless you have Uber Computer Geek skills, like hacking and behind-the-scenes skills. Those are beyond MY capability!) So, do be careful with what you are doing. Undo is like a pair of Water Wings. Useful, but there are limitations.

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My Town Monday: Field Trip! Sleeping Bear Dunes

Field Trip! These summer months are great for seeing the sites around Michigan. So today’s field trip is to the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lake Shore.

The Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lake Shore is located up here… the fingertips of Michigan. Right about here.

Or for those of you not used to using your hand as a map, here.

The Dunes are ever changing because of the wind that comes of Lake Michigan. Then, as plants take root, they hold the sand down, for a while, evolving into a different type of landscape. If sand buries the plants, it may become sand dune again, rather than supporting growth.

Here’s a web album from my trip with Hubby (June 2006, our five year anniversary.)

If you don’t like tear-jerker stories, then you totally don’t want to know the story of why it’s called Sleeping Bear Dunes. I’m no softy, but this story traumatized me… It’s the italicized part, for easy skipping.

The Legend of Sleeping Bear Dunes:
A long time a go, there was a fire in Wisconsin. A mama bear and her two cubs were forced from the forest. They got to the edge of Lake Michigan. They would have to swim. Mama and the cubs began swimming. It was a long swim. They swam for hours and hours.

Finally, Mama Bear reached the shore of Michigan. She looked back into the water and she couldn’t see her cubs. She lay down on the shores of the lake and watched. But the baby bears never came. They had gotten too tired and drowned.

But the Mama bear kept waiting. She was certain her babies would come. Eventually, she fell asleep. Sand swept over Mama Bear, burying her on the shore where she waits to this day. The Great Spirit was impressed with the Mama Bears determination and faith. The Great Spirit raised two island, North and South Manitou Islands, to commemorate the cubs.

Here’s a nice Aeriel shot of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lake Shore and North and South Manitou Islands.

You can take a ferry to the islands. And Empire Michigan, the town nestled along the National Lake Shore, is only a short distance from Traverse City. Well, “short” in “upper Michigan” vernacular, which is a little bit longer than “short” in busy places. It’s worse in the U.P., where us foreigners read a sign that says “Museum Just Ahead” and not realize it’s “just” ten miles. I was ready to admit I’d missed the turn…

Visit the new My Town Monday site for links to other posters.

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Make Your Own South Park Characters

Over at South Park Studios, you can create little people that look like the characters on South Park. Neat little people with all sorts of clothes and stuff. It’s like paper dolls on the computer. Or just plain fun.

I made these when I should have been working:

Note: Because many games are made with Flash, some blocking programs will block South Park Studios because it, too, is a Flash program. So you may not be able to goof off at work like I can. =)

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Computer Mama, Computers, Uncategorized

Your Computer’s Make and Model

I get requests to trouble-shoot MSWord from time to time. I’m always happy to help, but first we have to be on the same page. Preferably the same page in the same book…

So I ask what version of MSWord you are running. With the release of Word2007, it is imperative to know the version. Commands and instructions that are good for Word2007 are meaningless for Word2003, as well as other issues. No big deal– I have both versions. I just need to know whether to give instruction set A or instruction set B.

You answer: “Vista.”

Vista is a version of Windows.

Windows Vista runs your computer. Microsoft Word is what you type your document into. One’s a plant and one’s an animal. You wouldn’t ride a tulip into town any more than you’d type a document with just Windows.

Your operating system maybe Windows. It will usualy say which version it is while booting, but you can also go to My Computer, right click and select Properties from the Menu. Hey, looky there, it tells you what version operating system you are running. And other neat details.

Okay, so, we still need to figure out what version of Word you have.
Method #1, find the Icon. Whatever you double-click to open the program. Does it say… Microsoft Word 2003?

Method #2: Open Word. Go to Help… About Microsoft Word. The top line will tell you what version you are running. My desktop has Word 2003.

So… what version of Word are you running? What operating system do you have? If you’re going to get the right help, you need to ask for the right information. Luckily, the computer knows what it’s using, and is happy to tell you.

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Google It

Everyone Googles. But not everyone Googles well. It’s kind of like dancing. Some people shouldn’t dance in public, but we all groove from time to time. I have my own special “clean space” dance, reserved for those infrequent times when clutter accepts its eviction notice.

The best tip I have for Google, is to type in exactly what you are looking for.

For example, looking for that song you heard on the supermarket radio? (Earworms, all of them…)
But you only remember a single line?

Try thi: type in that one line, plus the word lyrics.
For example: how to save a life lyrics

Once you have the lyrics, you can get the song title. So, in my example, “How to Save a Life” happens to be not just the words in the refrain, but the title of the song. With that, I also know that the group that sings the song is The Fray.

And with that, just to confirm , I can Google “How to Save a Life” The Fray and get the YouTube videos. After listening to the YouTube Video, I can confirm that it is the song, and perhaps go buy it from iTunes.

This also works with movie quotes, lines from a poem, and other things. Type in the line you remember. If perchance you remember incorrectly or misheard something (also called an eggcorn) try taking out the parts you’re not sure of. See what happens.

Similarly, if you’re looking for how to reattach the zipper that lovely, wonderful husband pulled off, I might search for “Repair Zipper How-to” or “How to replace zipper.” (No quotes.) For some strange reason I do, um, Google as Yoda talks.

When you Google, ask yourself what is it, exactly, you are trying to find. Only if that fails, then get a bigger net and try broader terms. Just know that for certain types of people, Google can be addictive. It’s like a freaking drug, man. My next cell phone will have internet just so I can Google things when away from my computer. Need my fix, man. Need my Google.

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my town monday, Uncategorized

My Town Monday: Cross Roads

Livingston County is along three major crossroads in Southeast Lower Michigan. (For those not acquainted with the Mitten-shaped state, we here do tend to use ‘lower’ Michigan to differentiate from the Upper Peninsula.)

Don’t mind my map. I “borrowed” it from the Livingston County webpage and made some alterations and labels and stuff.
I-96 runs from diagonal across the county. To the west it heads to state capital, Lansing. To the east, it goes to Detroit. Mostly, I-96 is three lanes. I don’t like when my travels along I-96 take me beyond M-59 or US-23. Between those points, 96 is a pretty decent drive. You won’t usually get run off the road or find your little car ready to be mounted by some massive and over-eager vehicle coming up from behind.

I-96 has several distinctions. It is the only two digit InTRAstate interstate. It only exists in Michigan. I-96 from Brighton to Farmington was part of the first “freewayization” and was built in 1957. This stretch was one of the first limited access freeways in the area, when such things were new and fangled. (source: http://www.michiganhighways.org/. )

(Picture: I-96 opens in 1962. Photo “borrowed” from Howell Bicentennial while it was checked out of the library. Hey, I’m totally not old enough to have been there!)

Before I-96, Grand River was the major East-West route between Lansing and Detroit. Once the limited access highways went in, Grand River became just the major local road. It runs through the centers of Brighton, Howell, and Fowlerville. Grand River has it’s own neat history, but that’s for another post.

US-23 runs North-South through the east side of the county. This major thoroughfare is a mere two lanes. To the south, it goes to Ann Arbor. Last I heard, US-23 south between Brighton and Ann Arbor was “at capacity” during rush hour. Which apparently means traffic slows to a twenty mile per hour crawl… on the good days. To the north, US-23 eventually goes to Flint. 23 North is a better drive, I think because it’s a longer drive to get anywhere so folks just settle in for the trip.

Running parallel to US-23 is “Old 23”. Occasionally, there are signs marking this as “Whitmore Lake Road”, but it’s really just Old 23. This was pretty much the route of US-23 before US-23 was shifted and turned into a limited access freeway. The surface road remains (mostly) and is called “Old 23.” I think the signs actually say “Old US-23.”

Next is M-59. Through most of the county M-59 is a 2 to 5 lane road. As it leaves Livingston County, it becomes a divided highway. Somewhere later, it becomes an expressway (or limited access highway). And I think it ultimately leads to Detroit. I swear, all E/W expressways in this part of the state lead to Detroit. I think it has something to do with the Metro Detroit area having a huge portion of the population or some such silly reason… 😉 M-59 is also labeled as Highland Road. Which, gets confusing, especially at certain intersections, like the one at M-59/ Highland Road and Michigan Ave by Howell. As far as I can tell, at M-59, Michigan Ave changes names to become Oak Grove Road. So the road sign at the corner has four road names for two roads!

Oh, yeah, almost forgot M-36. This little mostly 2-lane road meanders across the southern part of the county. It sees a fair amount of traffic since it’s one the primary routes to take folks from Pinckney and Hamburg out to US-23, which they then take to 96, 94, or other routes to their work destinations.

A last route I’ll mention is D-19. It’s not on the map above, but if your drew a more-or-less straight line south from Howell to Pinckney, that would be D-19. It’s another winding 2-lane road. In Pinckney, travelers can pick up Dexter-Pinckney Road and travel onwards to Ann Arbor, but since these are winding, two-lane roads, they are not the primary choices. Talk has been had over the years of making a major North-South thoroughfare through the western side of the county to help develop it. I think that part of the county is just fine the way it is.

Aside from these major roads, there are, of course, plenty of ways to get around. Many of the roadways in Livingston County are dirt… or, do to lack of proper maintenance in these, ah, lean times, some of the paved roads are reverting to dirt. It’s like when you place SimCity, but don’t fund the transportation department well enough, your roads disintegrate into rubble. Many times paving of dirt roads is voted down because the residents want to maintain a “country” feel. But they sure do want to get excited about the CVS going up on the corner next to the Walgreens in front of Wal-Mart and Meijer… as a lifetime local-yokel, I would rather drive ten minutes– or even twenty minutes!– to get to a grocery store or pharmacy than have even one one every damned corner.

But, I’m one of those strange creatures who lives and works in the same county. It’s not a bad place to call home.

Shoot, I’ve even set my stories and novel in this part of the world. There’s enough people here, and enough variation, that I could write pretty much whatever I want.

I’d invite you all, but the truth is, I think we got enough people around here. =)

Reposted with permission.

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Windows Really Good Edition

New version of Windows? Nah. Just a good joke.

Now, I admit, my favorite jokes are the ones that go after the things I am most familiar with. And this one does a pretty good job poking fun at problems in Windows.

When you click the link here for Windows Really Good Edition, it’ll take you to another site. NOTE: Once you launch the Flash video, it may be full screen. If it “takes over” but you can hit alt+F4 to end the video and get back to normal. Deep breath.

And if you play with this, really, you’ve got to explore all the nooks and crannies. Like opening “Word” and “Go Online.” The error messages are amusing (and yes, it starts with a whole slew of them. 😉

I like the option of selecting “Crash” from the Start Menu. Have fun. Have a little giggle. It’s Friday!

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Mac or PC?

I always thought those Mac and PC commercials, with the middle-aged boring guy as the PC and the young hip guy as the Mac, were pretty cute. Somewhat skewed, but so are all commercials.

Personally, I think whether a person picks a Mac or PC is kind of like picking your type of undergarment. It doesn’t matter to most anyone else, but you sure better be comfortable with the choice.

I’m a PC. (No, I’m not going to tell you my underwear choice!) My biggest factor is price, and PCs tend to meet that need far better than Macs. I don’t need processor power for much more than handing a large (very large!) MSWord document or maybe streaming a video. My current desktop computer is the Holiday Inn Express of computers– it’s not fancy, but it does the job rather well.

I’ve used Macs. The skies didn’t open up for me. (In fact, I got tend to get frustrated because all the commands I’m used to are missing or moved. That problem is compounded because when I’m on a Mac, it’s usually to troubleshoot an ill-intentioned device.) But I have nothing against the little cuties. 😉

Some users have less trouble on Macs– particularly with viruses. Fair enough. But the only virus I’ve gotten in the last ten years was from my stupid pirate brothers downloading a game crack that was infect. That reminds me– I still haven’t thanked them for that… To me, all computers are comparable. It’s the user that is the biggest equation. What do YOU want from your computer.

I have more time than money, so I’ll buy the cheap machine (or cobble parts from friends and family to make a Frankenputer ). Then I’ll use my time to learn how to make sure it obeys. The occasional sacrifice of a goat or small animal to the computer gods doesn’t hurt.

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