Certification Training, Educational Technology, Microsoft Office Specialist

Developing Great Courses

It took me a couple of years to become a Microsoft Vendor of Approved Courseware. I already had great lessons and good examples. But it required significantly more effort to be qualified to work with Microsoft. Here is how it worked for me, an expert in Microsoft Office.  

Microsoft publishes a list of objectives for each certification test. The test writers and the course writers have the same list. One writes the questions (test) the other writes the answers (courseware). The official certification tests, including the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) are written by CertiPort, a Pearson company.

Here is a link to the certification topics for the Microsoft Office Specialist certification.



In the Microsoft Vendor of Approved Courseware program, courses must be reviewed by a third party, not Microsoft. My courses were reviewed by Procert Labs. http://www.procertlabs.com/

Procert Labs rigorous rules that writers need to follow. Here are the guidelines from their website:


Course objectives are often defined by the relationship between the technology and the job function it serves. Exam objectives are the principle of knowledge that are required to pass an exam and are ideally listed and specified somewhere in the course.


Readability refers to the level of language the course is written to as well as the skill with which the words are put together.


A complete review of every relevant exam objective is an essential baseline requirement of a training product designed to facilitate professional certification.


In order to assure relevance of the course content and methodology, effective courseware identifies that a student’s level of comprehension, interests and experience should be in order to effectively learn from the course.


Courseware should clearly state the prerequisite skills a student must have in order to effectively learn from the course.

A foundational table of contents is a critical element in demonstrating that content is presented in an understandable, logical and navigable manner.


A foreword gives the student a clear and concise direction for the course.


An accurate index enables cross-referencing of concepts and facilitates the finding of specific topics and references.


A glossary is a useful tool in the learning process as terms are continuously referenced throughout the text, providing an easy resource for learning refreshment if questions arise during additional study.


Learning is made more effective when students are able to establish a benchmark level of comprehension in the subject being studied.


Quizzes and other assessments at the end of each chapter help solidify the concepts associated with each exam objective, and provide a basis for memorization.


Achieving success on a certification exam is highly correlated with experience and involvement with the skills being tested.

Here are the results of my review: November 11, 2012

ProCert Labs certifies the Complete Guide to Microsoft Excel 2010 for the Microsoft Vendor of Approved Courseware program.

Summary: This is an efficient instruction to prepare student to become Microsoft Office Specialists. Moreover, its uniqueness and accuracy of content stands out among other courseware.

Strengths: The course has a unique writing style and also covers the material concisely.Introduction: This course accurately and casually provides an introductory audience with an understanding of the needed information to pass the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Series.

Test Results: This course offers you detailed, effective instruction to guide you through multiple lab exercises. Instructionally, you are provided with consistent and logical content, opportunities to practice the skills presented, and an accurate description of prerequisites and target audience.

Key Features: What works throughout the course is the use of conversational elements to move the student through the material. Additionally, the instructional graphics provide extra visual understanding cues to those working through the course.

Good question. Thanks for asking,


Elizabeth Nofs, the Computer Mama

Please evaluate my Courses: Visit our school at UDEMY
Buy the books at Amazon: https://thecomputermama.us/books-page/

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Certification Training, Educational Technology, Excel, Microsoft Office Specialist

What Are the Trends in Technology?

Our “Top Ten” Word and Excel courses have a new content release program: DRIP. Has anyone used this technology successfully in online courses?

With DRIP programming, the lessons are released one day at a time. Students receive an email each day with a summary of the day’s goals and benefits. The emails also include an invitation to return to our course and enjoy the next topic. The purpose of DRIP programming is to “engage students” with more interactivity.

In the course below, Top Ten Tools in Excel, students receive a daily email with a link to log in, watch a ten-minute video, download the eBook (PDf) and find sample spreadsheets.

This is BETA software and a new concept for me. What are your thoughts about this DRIP programming? Helpful or Inbox Overload? You can evaluate this DRIP programming by enrolling in our free course if you wish. You can also use this question to start a discussion. Please contact me HERE if you have questions.

Thanks, eBeth

DRIP EVALUATION: Top Ten Tools in Microsoft Excel

  • CLICK HERE to ENROLLTop Ten Tools in Excel
  • How to Enroll: Sign In to the school, then Enroll in the free course. (Two steps)
  • Our promise: No cost or ankle biters.

Buy the books at Amazon: https://thecomputermama.us/books-page/

Please evaluate my Courses: Visit our school at UDEMY

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Certification Training, Educational Technology, Excel, Microsoft Office Specialist

Absolute Cell References in Excel

This question is from Quora:

How do you copy and paste a formula in Excel while changing one cell reference?

This is a little lesson that teaches the difference in Relative and Absolute Cell References: Legs, Eggs and Pigs. It is a spreadsheet that will calculate the daily sales for three products.

There is one sheet for each product: Legs, Eggs and Pigs. There is a summary sheet that adds up the sales for all products on each day.

Here is a YoutTube video that shows all the steps that you can watch if you wish.

Microsoft Excel 2013 Intermediate: Legs, Eggs and Pigs in a Basket

Buy the books at Amazon: https://thecomputermama.us/books-page/
Please evaluate my Courses: Visit our school at UDEMY

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Computers, Excel, Microsoft Office Specialist

Is Microsoft Excel Obsolete?

Today’s question comes from Quora:  Based on the linked article (Confessions of an Excel addict), do you agree that MS Excel may fade? Why do you think so? What might be the best alternative?

According to the article, Excel hasn’t changed but business has. I would ask, “How has business changed?”

Who Bought What? The fundamental question for all businesses is “Who bought what?” This task has been the same since the zero was invented. There has to be a method for entering data in Rows and Columns.

I agree that the User interface has changed. My grandfather was an engineer at Ford’s in Dearborn a hundred years ago. He had an adding machine and a slide rule.

My generation paid $600 for a programmable calculator! Now, the data could be added, compiled and reviewed…and plotted on a graph.

Today, I can use Excel on my phone. But the tasks are the same as when I ran my business with a calculator. There is a Table for the Customers, a Table for Products, another Table for Receipts.

Can a Business Outgrow Microsoft Excel?

Absolutely. The article describes in detail how Excel no longer fits his business needs. Very well: Excel can handle One-to-One relationships. Most offices enter customer and product information separately. There may be a spreadsheet for the customers (who) and another spreadsheet for the products (what). In our sample business the customers rent movies, so there will be a list of movies. A receipt lists who bought what.

Question: How Do You Show that in Excel?

A spreadsheet can record one-to-one relationships. Picture the receipt spreadsheet. Each row would have one answer in each column: receipt number, date, customer, movie, price. So far, so good.

Say the Business Grows

This sample shows a video rental store. Excel can handle one-to-many relationships with Lookup Tables and little drop-down boxes: one receipt has many items.

Databases Do Many-to-Many Relationships.

But, yes, a business can grow. One customer may get many movies, say 3 or 5 titles. At some point you need to document that many customers bought many products on many days.

Eventually, most businesses develop a database to handle what Excel cannot handle many-to-many relationships: many customers buy many products and return many times.


Here is a YouTube video that shows more options:

Microsoft Access 2013 Beginning: Hello, Access!

Please let me know if I answered your questions.
Thanks, eBeth

Elizabeth Nofs, the Computer Mama

Buy the books at Amazon: https://thecomputermama.us/books-page/
Please evaluate my Courses
: Visit our school at UDEMY

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Certification Training, Excel, Microsoft Office Specialist

Excel: Conditional Formatting on Text

Conditional Formatting is an excellent method for highlighting the Text in a spreadsheet. Each word or phrase can have different formatting for the Font and Cell Fill. This sample spreadsheet has three products: Legs, Eggs, and Pigs that are sold each day. The goal is to format each product with a different color.

Here is a YouTube video that shows more options:

Microsoft Excel 2013 Advanced: Tables Work for Me!

Please evaluate my Courses: Visit our school at UDEMY
Buy the books at Amazon: https://thecomputermama.us/books-page/

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Certification Training, Microsoft Office Specialist, PowerPoint

Hello, Animation!

Animation is the heart and soul of PowerPoint. Animation keeps your audience interested and focused on your key points. Animation Effects can be applied to pictures or text. A picture can have more than one Animation. For example, a baseball can fly in (Entrance) and fly out (Exit). The Animation can include sound as well. This lesson is fun, creative and playful.

Every picture tells a story. Pictures motivate your audience and focus on the message you are trying to convey. Here is a YouTube video you can watch if you wish.

PowerPoint 2013 Advanced: Top 10 Reasons to Hire Me!

I hope you enjoy these tools in PowerPoint. Thanks for stopping by.

Elizabeth Nofs, the Computer Mama

Buy the books at Amazon: https://thecomputermama.us/books-page/

Please evaluate my Courses: Visit our school at UDEMY

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Certification Training, Excel, Microsoft Office Specialist

The Right Tool for the Task

When something goes wrong, everyone wants to go through the data and find out what happened. The Data Tools are: Sort, Filter, Group and Subtotal. A PivotTable combines all of the best Data Tools together. A PivotTable presents the data in a visual, interactive format. PivotTables summarize, sort, compare and filter the data. A PivotTable summarizes data and displays the results. It is a reporting tool that works very well. Here is how you start.

Here is a YouTube video you can watch if you wish.

Microsoft Excel 2013 Advanced: PivotTables

Thanks for stopping by.

Elizabeth Nofs, the Computer Mama

Buy the books at Amazon: https://thecomputermama.us/books-page/
Please evaluate my Courses: Visit our school at UDEMY

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Certification Training, Excel, Microsoft Office Specialist

Statistical Functions in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel has an extensive set of statistical functions. These functions work well if you select and Name a Range of data. Start Here:

Select a Range: By definition, a RANGE is a one or more cells on a spreadsheet. The cells may be adjacent or not.

Define a Range: The Name Box is a special tool in the top left corner by the Formula bar. You can use the Name Box to Define a Range

Excel Lesson Pages

Master Microsoft Excel

Being proficient means knowing how to complete the task quickly and effectively.

Keep going with Microsoft Excel.

Microsoft Excel is an important Middle Technical Skill. It is a key requirement in many jobs.

I just taught this lesson yesterday at college. Cheers! Elizabeth, The Computer Mama

Learn More, Earn More

This lesson demonstrates key Microsoft Office Skills

Associate Certification: Pass any 3 tests:
Word Associate: Exam MO-100
Excel® Associate: Exam MO-200
PowerPoint® Associate: MO-300
Outlook® Associate: Exam 77-400

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Certification Training, Excel, Microsoft Office Specialist

Conditional Formatting in Excel

Today’s question comes from www.quora.com. This is an interesting question!  I like to use Conditional Formatting. People have a hard time reading numbers. You can use color to show trends or make comparisons, say High, Medium, and Low, or highlight specific information. Conditional Formatting

How do I select all of the text in a Cell in Excel? 

Conditional Formats

Microsoft Excel calls this Conditional Formatting. The color depends on the condition, which you can choose. Microsoft Excel has a library of Conditional Formatting including Data Bars, Color Sets and Icons. Each of these formats is based on Conditional Formulas, or Rules. Let’s start with a simple Rule: show me any amount that is above the average. These steps can be recorded as a Macro if you wish to create your own keyboard click.

I am a fan of Conditional Formatting. Let’s look at the options. Here is a YouTube that you can watch if you wish. Thanks for stopping by.

Microsoft Excel 2013 Advanced: Tables Work for Me!

Buy the books at Amazon: https://thecomputermama.us/books…

Please evaluate my Courses: Visit our school at UDEMY

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Certification Training, Computer Mama, Educational Technology, Elizabeth

Teaching Technology

I Teaching Microsoft Office!

Learn with us


Watch the Video on YouTube!
Watch the Video on YouTube!

I started teaching in 1984 with my Mighty Macintosh. When I began teaching Microsoft Office, I was surprised how many people recorded my classes and came back a second time. Who would want to hear eight hours of Excel Formulas…again? People were hungry for knowledge and job skills. Nom Nom Nom. We filled our classes on Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.

Our first TV shows were created at WFUM-PBS, Flint.  We wanted to capture the spirit and action of the live classroom and reach a bigger audience. We also wanted to link all of the broadcast lessons to our Microsoft Office Specialist certification training: 100% video coverage.

Trying to capture the Live Performance into little video lessons has been challenging. Speaking in front of an audience is different from writing a textbook or making a video. Live classes have a relaxed pace: there is time to wait for the laughter or the a-ha responses. The videos seem to hurry-up.

In 2006, we launched our first virtual classroom online. Our Microsoft Office Specialist course is available in hundreds of colleges nationally. Thousands of students enrolled in our courses and learned new skills. Teachers learned new skills as well.  There are many new tools for teaching online: Live Chat, Forums and Discussions.

Offline: Our students want books. Students learn better with the hard copy. However, print is a different production path than online, so it was a lot of work. Our hard work succeeded. Our Microsoft Office 2007 courses were approved and we became a Microsoft Vendor of Approved Courseware.

As it sez on our website: When you use Approved Courseware to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist certification exams, you know you are using the very best study materials.

In 2013 our Microsoft certification videos went online! It was so much fun that it didn’t seem like work.

I know, I know: Watching a video does not make you an expert.
You can’t become a skilled professional just watching the show.

The best use of videos is to demonstrate a sequence of events. At some point, your hands have to learn the steps. Expertise is knowledge in motion. Our courses are hands on, project-based. You have to create and edit documents, spreadsheets and presentation.

Our courses include everything needed to prepare for the MOS certification exams:

  • Step-by-step video demonstrations
  • Companion eBook with detailed instructions
  • Sample spreadsheets
  • Practice, Quizzes and Skill Test

I guess you can tell that I really enjoy teaching Microsoft Office. And, it shows! The best part, is not the software or the new technology….But the results.When people learn new skills, they can enjoy the tools.

Learn more, earn, more, be more successful. Everyone wins!
And that’s what I like.

Learn with me:

Visit our school at Teachable
Get the books at Amazon.com

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