Why Get Certified?

Putting Excel to Work

Microsoft Office Specialist Certification-Who Benefits?

The Microsoft Office Specialist certification uses exam to validate that you have obtained specific skill sets within the applicable Microsoft Office programs included in the Microsoft Office Specialist Program. You can choose which exam(s) to take according to which skills you want to validate.

For Employers, the certification provides skill-verification tools that not only help assess a person’s skills in using Microsoft Office programs but also the ability to quickly complete on-the-job tasks across multiple programs in the Microsoft Office system.

Certification proves a certain level of advanced competency with the programs in question. Employers don’t have to wonder if the skills stated on the resume are honest and without exaggeration.

For You: This can lead to further employment opportunities and increased pay. A person holding Microsoft Office Certification shows not just a level of skill, but an ability to quickly complete tasks, due to familiarity with the program and it’s many time-saving features. The hard work that goes into learning Microsoft Office programs to the level of proficiency necessary for successful completion of the Certification Exams also indicates a desire on behalf of the student to learn and succeed.

Click For More Information: CertiPort: Microsoft Office Specialist Exams
